Dr. Greg Mutsch

Former Pastor at Bible Baptist Church
Dr. Greg Mutsch was previously the executive director of business administration for Accelerated Christian Education, the powerhouse that has created a Christian curriculum for schools around the world.
Bible Baptist Church
Based in Hendersonville, TN, Bible Baptist Church was lead by Dr. Greg Mutsch from 2015 to 2022. He left in August for a new position at Pensacola Christian College, and it seems that Bible Baptist Church has not found a new Pastor at this time. 1https://bbctn.com/im-new/our-staff/
“Bringing Up Bates” couple Bobby and Tori (Bates) Smith previously worked at Bible Baptist Church with Bobby serving as the Student Ministries Pastor. 2https://www.knoxnews.com/story/entertainment/2018/07/13/bringing-up-bates-tori-bobby-smith-discuss-their-move-nashville-east-tennessee-mega-family-up-tv/756247002/[/mn]
Pensacola Christian College
Dr. Greg Mutsch has recently joined Pensacola Christian College as Vice President for Institutional Advancement. According to an article by Sharper Iron, Mutsch was previously involved with the college and was thought to be in line for the presidency. 2https://sharperiron.org/article/top-10-fundamentalist-stories-of-2006
According to a 2019 Facebook post by Pensacola Christian College, Dr. Mutsch was an administrator at PCC from 1990 to 2002.
Early Life
Dr. Greg Mutsch graduated from Pillsbury Baptist Bible College. Greg and Luann married on June 4th, 1977. 3https://www.newspapers.com/clip/111276201/marriage-of-shaffer-mutsch/ The couple traveled for a time performing as the “King’s Four” touring across much of the eastern half of the country along with Leanne Hollowell and Todd Scovill. 4https://www.newspapers.com/clip/111277252/
Pillsbury Baptist Bible College was an Independent fundamentalist Baptist college in Minnesota that closed in 2008. After his graduation, Mutsch worked at Pillsbury Baptist and received his Doctorate in Education Administration at Bob Jones University. He also served as senior pastor of Beth Eden Baptist Church in Denver, Colorado. 5https://www.newspapers.com/clip/111277532/greg-mutsch-history/
Hyles-Anderson and Jack Hyles
In unconfirmed rumors around the internet, it seems that Jack Hyles, founder of Hyles-Anderson College did not like Pensacola Christian College and particularly had a feud with Peter Ruckman and Greg Mutsch.
Jack Schaap, Jack Hyles’s son-in-law, reportedly tried to make peace with PCC and offered Mutsch a position at Hyles-Anderson College, but Mutsch turned him down.
Schaap would later be sentenced to 12 years in prison for raping an underage girl that he was counseling and transporting him across state lines to do so. He was released in May 2022.
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- 2https://www.knoxnews.com/story/entertainment/2018/07/13/bringing-up-bates-tori-bobby-smith-discuss-their-move-nashville-east-tennessee-mega-family-up-tv/756247002/[/mn]
Pensacola Christian College
Dr. Greg Mutsch has recently joined Pensacola Christian College as Vice President for Institutional Advancement. According to an article by Sharper Iron, Mutsch was previously involved with the college and was thought to be in line for the presidency. 2https://sharperiron.org/article/top-10-fundamentalist-stories-of-2006 - 3
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