New petition filed in case against Agape

Full Text 1IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF CEDAR COUNTYTWENTY-EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUITThe State of Missouri, ex rel. )Attorney General Eric S. Schmitt, and ))The Missouri Department of Social )Services; ))Plaintiffs, )v. ) Case No. ___)Agapé Baptist Church Inc., d/b/a )Agapé Boarding School; ))Defendant. )VERIFIED PETITION FOR INJUNCTIVE RELIEF This action seeks an injunction to cease operations…

DSS Workers to be removed from Agape Boarding School

JUDGE’S DOCKET ENTRY. Court with phone conference with attorney Atkins, Smith and others from the Attorney General’s office and with attorney Schultz for the defendant, hears that the state will be dismissing the case and filing another case. The state request that the Children’s Division workers remain on the premises and the defense requests that…


September 21st Hearing Regarding Agape Injunction

JUDGE’S DOCKET ENTRY. Plaintiff with Attorneys J. Smith, J. Atkins and M. Green and Defendant with Attorney J. Schultz all appear. Argument held on Motion to Dismiss, Motion for Jury Trial and Motion to file 2nd Amended Petition. Court takes time to review cases cited by counsel. Court overrules motion to dismiss 1st amended petition…

ABM Ministries

ABM Ministries is a Christian boarding school in Piedmont, Missouri for boys ages 10 and up. They are on 250 acres and have a 25,000 sq ft main campus.  School goes year round and have a student to teacher ratio of twelve to one. They operate on a rolling enrollment schedule, so students may start…