DSS Workers to be removed from Agape Boarding School
JUDGE’S DOCKET ENTRY. Court with phone conference with attorney Atkins, Smith and others from the Attorney General’s office and with attorney Schultz for the defendant, hears that the state will be dismissing the case and filing another case. The state request that the Children’s Division workers remain on the premises and the defense requests that the order be terminated. Since the state is dismissing this case, there are no factors that weigh in favor of the state, nor any basis that the court legally has, that the workers should remain on the premises of the boarding school. Therefore the court dissolves the order allowing workers to be at the boarding school.
So far no word on what new case the state is filling. These children were quoted in the state’s proposed 2nd amended petition as being scared of what would happen when DSS left and being grateful because the abuse had stopped while they were there.