Who is Julie Green?

Julie Green, Prophetess

Julie Green started preaching in 2010 and has been an associate pastor at Faith Family Fellowship since 2013, where her father is the Head Pastor. She has been married to her husband for 21 years, and they have three sons.

Who is Julie Green?

Julie Green is an associate pastor at Faith Family Fellowship, where her father, Jerry Reynolds, is the Head Pastor. Faith Family Fellowship is based in the Quad Cities in Iowa.

Julie Green first posted a prophecy on her website for Julie Green Ministries on December 2nd, 2021.

Early Life & Family

Julie Reynolds was born in 1979 to Gerald and Diane Reynolds. She has at least one sibling, Dennis Reynolds. Jerry and Diane seem to now live in Oklahoma.

Julie Marie Reynolds and Christopher Green married on Octover 28th, 2000. At the time that they were engaged, Julie worked at the Fairyland Park Ballroom and Chris worked at Lujack’s North Park Auto Plaza.

Faith Family Fellowship

Faith Family Fellowship Facebook Page

Faith Family Fellowship on Youtube

The Faith Family Fellowship, where Julie Green serves as an associate pastor has not posted anything publicly on Facebook since July of 2021. They also do not seem to have an active website, but they do still stream their services on Youtube. Their Youtube channel has over ten thousand subscribers, and was started in May of 2021. The current Facebook page for FFF QC was also started in only April of 2021.

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Faith Family Fellowship, Inc is a non-profit registered in Iowa. It was originally incorporated in 2013 by Gerald Lee Reynolds, Therese Kelly, Margaret Seibert, Marty Seibert, and Chris Green. In 2015, Diane Reynolds was added as an Officer. The church has maintained these officers all the way through their latest non-profit report in 2021.

Julie herself does not currently have a Youtube channel but her prophecies are quickly uploaded by other accounts.

Followers of Julie Green

Julie Green’s public Facebook group has nearly 50 thousand members. Since this is a public group, you can see all the members and Facebook conveniently shows members that you might have mutual friends with or that live nearby. It’s frankly terrifying.

Julie Green Ministries

Julie Green Ministries is an active non-profit registered in Iowa. Their home office is listed as 3223 Adele Ln, Bettendorf, Iowa. JGM was registered on March 15th, 2021.

This address is also the registered home office of Green Enterprises, LLC which was registered in Iowa in 2006.

Friends of Julie Green

Julie Green collaborates with a wide variety of people.

hisglory.me – His Glory is a Christian Ministry founded by David Scarlett after a near death experience.

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